Mike Albert has the upfitting equipment you need to upgrade your fleet of work trucks. No matter the industry or the vehicle, our Truck Team has the insights you need to put together the ideal package.

Truck Storage
Truck tool boxes and truck bed storage tool boxes are heavy-duty with all-weather construction and secondary locking mechanisms.

Truck Caps & Toppers
Safe storage of tools and equipment with customizable access.

Temperature Controlled Delivery
From configuration to insulation, find your ideal delivery equipment.

Oversized Product Storage
Heavy duty storage solutions for your work vehicle.

Snow Removal
Find the attachments to winterize your work trucks.

Branded Fleet
Add custom branding to all the work trucks in your fleet.

Cargo Access
From ramps to lift gates — get the right access for your job.

Handicap Accessibility
Accessibility options to make entry and exit more comfortable.

Roof Storage
Expan your truck or van's hauling ability with sturdy roof racks.

Truck Mounted Equipment
Work truck setups to fit any job, no matter how big.

Ladder Storage
Choose from roof mounted, side mounted or interior.

Box Truck Options
Be smart in how you store and access cargo and equipment.

Van Partitions & Bulkheads
Keep your work truck safe and accessible for your driver with the right partition.

Dump Body
Find the best dump body options for the job your truck needs to accomplish.

Truck & Van Accessories
Add more form and function to your van or work truck.

Service Bodies
A service body — ideal for every job.

Work Truck & Van Storage Systems
Storage options in your work truck.

Inventory Management
Boost productivity with better, manageable organization.

Pest Control Equipment
Spray rigs and tanks that fit any pest control job.

Step onto the ideal base for your business.

Municipal Snow Control
Outfit your municipal vehicles with the right snow removal equipment.

Cargo Sliders
Fits any bed or body, and provides easy access to your equipment.