How to sell your fleet cars: 3 ways to maximize remarketing profit.

While an economic downturn is not the ideal time to sell used fleet cars, some businesses have no other option. If that’s the case for your team, here are 3 options to consider when you need to remarket fleet cars.

how to sell fleet cars blog
Skills in Class
Financial Management
Vehicle Life Cycle Analysis
Operational Efficiency

While an economic downturn is not the ideal time to sell used fleet cars, some businesses have no other option. If that’s the case for your team, here are 3 options to consider when you need to remarket fleet cars.

Give your drivers exclusive first access to purchasing fleet cars. Offering your unused assets to drivers will serve the goal of removing the asset from the company's books while also providing an opportunity to improve driver retention. Drivers will benefit from receiving a well-maintained vehicle at a reasonable price, allowing your business to entrust the vehicle to the right person and reduce the time it takes to sell.

Engage with a remarketing expert to sell your vehicles. During downturns in the used car market, like the one we’re currently experiencing, selling at auction and getting a fair return is challenging. By activating remarketing professionals, like the ones at Mike Albert, your business can take advantage of their upstream resources. This will increase the speed of the sale, lower remarketing expenses, and maximizing resale exposure - all keys to maximizing your vehicle's resale profit.

Work with your Mike Albert representative to sell individual OE units or larger parts of your fleet to a Mike Albert business. Mike Albert has access to sell used cars through our internal pipelines, allowing you to avoid delays in selling assets in down-market, eliminate most remarketing expenses, and enjoy a quick return of any applicable equity.

If you would like more information about our approach to remarketing click here.

Skills covered in the class

Financial Management

Monitoring and understanding the TCO of each of your vehicles and your fleet's overall ROI.


Appreciating how the evolution of mobility via TaaS (transportation as a service), last-mile, smart cities, etc. are impacting the future of fleets.

Vehicle Life Cycle Analysis

Knowing how and when to sell or turn in your vehicles for new ones.

Operational Efficiency

Ensuring your fleet is performing at its highest level at the lowest possible cost.

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